Monday, August 12, 2019

Goldenugget - kombinasi dari teknologi blockchain yang terdesentralisasi

Hai teman-teman Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek Goldenugget, Anda harus membaca ulasan yang dapat membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang dapat membantu Anda melihat visi dan misi mereka. Inilah ulasannya:

Tentang Goldenugget

Goldenugget adalah kombinasi dari teknologi blockchain terdesentralisasi dan aset yang paling antik, andal, meningkat, dan stabil, yaitu Emas. Goldenugget adalah platform Crypto pertama yang memungkinkan pemegang Token (GNTO) untuk membeli atau melelang Dutch Mined Gold.

Afro Splendid Minerals Co. Ltd., adalah perusahaan terdaftar di Ghana yang 100% dimiliki oleh pendiri GoldeNugget, dan didirikan pada tahun 2011 sebagai mesin pertambangan dan perusahaan pengalihan tanah.

Afrika adalah salah satu pasar dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di dunia. Kami bersemangat tentang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan benua besar ini yang memiliki banyak hal untuk ditawarkan. Tujuan kami adalah membantu mendorong pertumbuhan ini dan mendorong Afrika maju dengan bekerja sebaik mungkin dalam proyek pertambangan berkelanjutan kami.

GoldeNugget adalah kenyataan, dengan lebih dari 3.000.000,00 Euro diinvestasikan di Afrika Barat untuk mesin penggerak bumi untuk industri emas. Di mana Anda benar-benar dapat merasakan debu, kebisingan, dan aroma bisnis. Di mana orang benar-benar memiliki tujuan, di mana orang benar-benar melihat hasil aktual di tangan mereka pada akhir hari. Sebut saja "Ekonomi Lama", tetapi bisnis ini dulu merupakan nilai uang aktual, uang yang sama yang saat ini masih memungkinkan Anda untuk membeli roti. Jadi mengapa tidak menyatukan bisnis lama tapi kotor dengan industri inovatif baru seperti Crypto di Swiss di mana pembeli dapat mengandalkan kerangka hukum yang dapat diprediksi.

Jadilah bagian dari revolusi Crypto dan beli Token Goldenugget sekarang!


Misi kami adalah menciptakan platform pembelian Emas. Platform Goldenugget memungkinkan pembeli Token GNTO kemungkinan untuk membeli Emas secara langsung atau untuk berpartisipasi dalam Lelang Belanda yang akan memberi mereka peluang menarik untuk mendapatkan Emas dengan harga yang menguntungkan.


Untuk menjadi inovator paling berpengaruh di bidang penambangan tanah di planet ini, itulah tujuan kami. Seperti yang Anda ketahui, penambangan tanah bukanlah industri ekologis, kami, di GOLDENUGGET, ingin merevolusi industri ini. Dari penggunaan bahan kimia non-toksik baru yang ramah lingkungan, dan menjadi penambang paling ramah lingkungan di bumi, hormati tetangga kita dan bekerja bersama mereka untuk menciptakan dan membangun infrastruktur dan layanan sehingga setelah proyek selesai mereka akan memiliki sesuatu untuk makmur.

Token Informasi Token

Nama: Golde Nugget Token
Token Simbol: GNTO
Total GNTO: 30.000.000 GNTO
Tersedia untuk IEO (Hard Cap): 19.500.000
Tingkat emisi GNTO: Token Baru tidak akan dipancarkan
Token Tukar: Tidak akan dirilis di pasar untuk jangka waktu 12 bulan
Jumlah yang Dirilis: Token yang telah ditukar dengan Emas pada platform Goldenugget akan dirilis di pasar melalui pertukaran dengan harga pasar.
Tingkat konversi: 1 GNTO = 1 USD $ atau setara ETH

Nilai Tukar selama Acara IEO


GNTO adalah token yang kompatibel dengan ERC20 yang dimiliki oleh Goldeugget yang terdaftar di jaringan utama Ethereum, dicetak dalam 30.000.000 unit dengan 18 desimal, dan akan digunakan untuk membeli emas dengan harga "outlet", atau di situs web Reverse Auction kami atau Lelang Belanda.

Goldenugget Blockchain adalah EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) yang kompatibel dengan blockchain berlisensi publik dengan Algoritma Konsensus Bukti Otoritas.

Blok diverifikasi setiap 30 detik.

Blockchain Goldenugget menyimpan dan melacak semua operasi dari situs web manufaktur Emas, situs web Reverse Auctions, item pelacakan kertas yang akan dijual, menjadikannya dapat ditukarkan kapan saja.


Membangun proyek yang hebat membutuhkan banyak dedikasi, kerja keras, dan jumlah organisasi yang luar biasa. Goldenugget telah ada di pikiran kita untuk waktu yang lama dan masih, kita memiliki rencana luar biasa untuk masa depan. Setiap tonggak telah dianggap sebagai eksekusi terbaik dan setiap langkah yang akan kami ambil akan lebih dekat dengan kesuksesan akhir.

2011 April
Afrika Barat Afro Splendid Minerals Co Ltd dimulai dengan investasi lebih dari 3.000.000,00

2018 Januari
keputusan untuk berinvestasi dalam proyek-proyek yang disetujui Blockchain

Mulai Proyek - Lokakarya untuk keputusan strategis
Proyek Diluncurkan pada Juni - Pengembangan Blockchain dimulai
pada bulan Juni - definisi nama dan logo
Juli - Pengembangan situs web proyek dimulai
September - prototipe pengembangan Kontrak Cerdas + Tes Kecelakaan

Penyelesaian Blockchain Januari +
Tes Kecelakaan Maret
White Paper selesai -Token Completion


Afiliasi SRO September
Penjualan Emas Mulai September

September - Lelang Belanda Dimulai
Desember - operasi penambangan Ghana memulai Fase 1. Penambangan gravitasi dimulai Fase 1. Gravitas

2020 Maret
Operasi penambangan Ghana memulai Fase 2. Pencucian Karbon

Jajaran direktur



Berdasarkan data - data dan fakta yang dilihat, GOLDENUgget sangat baik untuk ditinjau dan diinvestasikan. Ini didasarkan pada kenyataan untuk saat ini, banyak proyek tidak baik, dan membuat semua orang yang berinvestasi banyak pertanyaan tentang kepastian dan kebenaran mereka, jadi jika Anda ingin berinvestasi dalam proyek ini, Anda harus membaca semua tentang artikel yang saya buat, sehingga Anda dapat mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang proyek ICO ini dari mereka.

Anda dapat bergabung atau berpartisipasi dalam kerumunan penjualan Goldenugget melalui tautan berikut:

Penulis: ivanarifiant
Alamat Eth: 0xF6505afA3dA59e702dBD00A1dE54be8B656ADCf2

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


About Refine Medium
Video creation, conveyance & consumption trends around the world is experiencing a major disruption. The distinctions between print and digital media, video games and sports, wireless and fixed internet access, pay TV and Over-The-Top (OTT), social and traditional media are blurring. For consumers around the world, entertainment has become more of a necessity. It provides a gateway to happiness and gratification, during the momentary breathing spaces that people get in this rapidly progressing world. Unsurprisingly, the Entertainment and Media industry generates over $2 trillion in annual revenues worldwide. The USA ($750 billion), China ($190 billion) and Japan ($157 billion) are the world leaders in E&M markets.

Production houses and studios who once subjugated the E&M landscape are now eagerly looking over their shoulders at the adamant, aggressive and ambitious online streaming service providers such as Youtube, Netflix, Prime Video etc. This phenomenal growth of the online video content in the last decade has triggered a notable shift in the balance of power. While online and offline content providers are engaging in the tussle for control, consumers are the sole beneficiaries with unparalleled choice of contents. But is the shift of control from oligopolistic studios and production houses to like-minded video platforms a sustainable option? Or there exists a better option which raises the expectations of the content yearning consumers and simultaneously rewards them for watching and reviewing videos. And also, maintains a robust, transparent and egalitarian relationship between content provider and content creator. The response to this is definitely affirmative.

Entertainment & Media industry is sublty poised to experience the blockchain disruption and incorporate a pragmatic use of cryptocurrency. The existing greed driven business models of online video industry is set experience a major setback with the emergence of blockchain based video platforms which will place the control back in the hands of the users who feed the entertainment economy- viewers and creators. The glimmer and shimmer of the yesteryear’s entertainment industry can be ushered back with the radiance of today’s technology.

Important Features

One of the features I like about this platform is that the uploading will be user friendly. We all agree that blockchain is not the most accessible technology to be used by grandma and grandpa, and these types of platforms are needed to make it easy on old people, on kids, and on technology ignorant. Although technology ignorance is no longer a good excuse, having such user-friendly platforms is suitable for blockchain adoption.

The data is very secure since blockchain keeps all the data fragmented on different nodes, all over the world. Even someone gets a hold of your information on one of the computers; your data will still be safe because only a fragment of the data will be on the hacked computer, and it will not make sense to the hacker. Besides, copies of the data will be on different computers, which will make hacking, modifying, or changing the data an impossibility unless you hand your private key to third parties. This technology makes not only your data but your reputation as secure as it can be with today’s technology, which is the blockchain.

more information:







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Username: lani123lani

ETH: 0xaeC6B59a69a13FBea61AC87b27Cc50d8F594F923

Saturday, June 22, 2019



According to Accdvisor consulting, the blockchain will spread to many different types of assets in 2019 20152020 and by 2025, it will become a mass phenomenon and an integral part of global capital. .
2019 will be a turning point for the development of blockchain technologies and their deployment in different areas of operation to solve global scaling issues. Studies conducted by the consulting firm CoinSchedule showed that in 2018, only through ICO, $ 21.4 billion was attracted to the industry.

Current technology solutions mainly address narrow issues, thus ensuring the segment segment’s development. It is quite clear that the market lacks serious comprehensive integration solutions. For blockchain platforms, these are mainly platforms that allow users to create their own electronic money assets – blockchain tokens and trade them on the stock exchange, thus attracting investment.

In the extended version, in addition to the release of digital assets, to fund the decentralized community with additional functions of community regulation, vote and transmit encrypted messages.

From the practical point of view, these platforms and properties do not have many functions.

Because infrastructure is too difficult to use and rarely used in everyday life, this forces users to regularly convert token to fiat currency and vice versa. This creates additional complexity and instability of the entire system. For so-called registered blockchain platforms, they are used in the areas of law registration, logistics, social insurance, education, medicine, product quality control, but they are often self-referenced. center and not integrated with other blockchain.

Currently, developers are actively involved in creating open source, this will help exchange digital assets and electronic money between blockchain. This also confirms the fact that the potential of blockchain technology has yet to be fully disclosed. As we can see, existing platforms exist in complex, unstructured conditions and do not have any formal integrated platform solution.

Therefore, the integrated system BILLCRYPT pl will become an indispensable environment for creating a Blockchain Representative Office and will be extremely useful for businesses, investors and ordinary users. And token BILLCRYPT has a strong opportunity to achieve the top position in electronic money rankings.


Create a unique global blockchain system consisting of representative offices of companies, professional communities, experts and products, and BILLCRYPT projects aimed at:

Allowing people to accumulate reliable representative information about themselves, creating credibility for absolute trust and presenting a clear visual representation to customers, partners, interested partners, buyers , Investors.

Provide all users with reliable information, because information is put into the blockchain once and forever, and stored unchanged.

Raising the level of decision-making security to an unprecedented high.

To create a unique global blockchain space for representative offices:

To provide technology opportunities for existing and newly created blockchain solutions to connect with a single global network – Internet of WEB 3.0 new generation.

The project creates a new, outstanding economic model:

BILLCRYPT token evolves with embedded and privilege development functions for value owners with billing functions in the system;

Blockchain offices and mutual investments in the platform;

Payment of users of services and goods of the Blockchain representative office;

Earning opportunities for ordinary users in the system, performing tasks and assignments 

provided by Blockchain representatives.

Distribution Token & Fund Token



The emergence of the idea of creating a unified multifunctional blockchain platform for existing businesses, investment projects and investors.


Conceptual formation; Technology, tasks, solutions.

2nd quarter of 2018

Project development, economic systems and security systems; Negotiating and signing agreements with project partners, current participants of the investment group; Write smart contracts for BILLCRYPT token; Prepare to close before selling; June 27 launched BILLCRYPT (trial version); Start accepting applications for sale before closing, price 1BILC = $ 0.5

3rd quarter of 2018

Time trials; Continue to develop projects, economic systems and security systems; 08.08.2018 issued BILLCRYPT – emission of 152,000, 000 BILC Previous sale: 1BILC price = $ 0.5 Minimum to buy 10,000 BILC = 5,000 $ Convert investment fund from existing investors (soon) to BILLCRYPT

4th quarter of 2018

Continuing work on projects and economic systems WhitePaper v.1 Development has completed Create a project website. October 18 – begins the final phase of the pre-sale opening. Price of 1BILC = 0.6. Minimum to buy 10,000 BILC = $ 6,000. November 16 – open first sale (accept application). Price of 1BILC = 0.75 dollars. Minimum to buy 20,000 BILC = 15,000 dollars

First quarter of 2019

Modeling project process; Introduce terms and concepts of BR and ViP; Create innovative economic models; WhitePaper v.2; Negotiating with institutional investors.

2nd quarter of 2019

Expanding the concept of BR; Modeling system processes; Introduce terminology and concepts about IVO (Initial provisioning); WhitePaper v.3; Localizing languages (French, Spanish, Korean, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, etc.) Marketing, PR & advertising before starting to sell Token; Connect with the main data of the project on the electronic money world; Negotiating with institutional investors.

3rd quarter of 2019

ITO starts July 3, 2012. 13:15 UTC Price 1 BILC = $ 1. Legal. Application for exchange. Complete ITO 30.09.2019 05:03 UTC or when the lid is hard. Complete BILC distribution. Exchange list

4th quarter of 2019

Platform development, infrastructure, design, layout, MVP; Integrating platform with external resources; BILLCRYPT exchange transaction started; BILLCRYPT economic development

First quarter of 2020

Running the BR test on the platform; Testing ViP; Increase market presence;

2nd quarter of 2020

The complexity of the works on the economic and technical development of the platform; Testing time for BR & ViP

3rd quarter of 2020

Launch all platform functions; Launching BR with basic functions; Launch of IVO (Initial provisioning); Start on the foundation of collaborative projects; Start closing before selling cooperative projects from the pool;

Q4 2020

Full-featured BR launch; Integrated solution; Start opening cooperative projects before sales; Start ICO partner projects

2021 and more

Expanding platform capabilities; World BR expansion & BILLCRYPT

Core Team of BILLCRYPT


The BILLCRYPT project has set great goals, but is realistic and achievable.
We are proud to announce that they are the first and the only one to propose this concept, eventually creating the necessary blocks for everyone literally.

Therefore, BILLCRYPT system will be the most important thing for businesses, investors and ordinary users. This is a very important indicator. And token BILLCRYPT has a strong opportunity to achieve position in electronic money rankings.

Join the project social networks for more details:


Bitcointalk profile:  lani123lani

Friday, May 17, 2019



Since the inception of Bitcoin in the year 2008, blockchain as a concept became known all over the world. Though decentralized money and its application is becoming well known in the world today, there is still a combat between the real and fake core bitcoin aspiration, this is so because in the cryptocurrency world today, there are so many imitators and wanna-bes choking the original Bitcoin aspiration to a corner. From the onset, Bitcoin was created as a peer-to-peer payment system, this system allows people to transact and transfer value without the help of a middleman. As time went on and as people began to invest into Bitcoin, its network began to overload and became unable to keep the pace thereby slowing overall performance and even more expensive.

About The Harmony Platform

Harmony is a decentralized sharding-based platform, backed by the blockchain technology to address the problems of so many blockchains. Harmony will solve these problems by merging autheticated research reports and also engineering practices in an optimally tuned system. Harmony has been proved and confirmed scalable, secure and energy efficient. Harmony proves to be the best in it consensus algorithm
The Harmony Infrastructure Boasts Of

What Is Sharding?

Sharding is a type of database partitioning that separates very large database into smaller, faster and more easily managed parts called data shards. It also means a small part of a whole.

Harmony breaks through in the following aspects:

Consistent Cross-Shard Transactions: Harmony uses an atomic locking mechanism to make sure of the constitency of cross-shard transactions, this means that Harmony supports a cross-shard transaction.

Secure Sharding: Due to the application of (DRG) distributed ramdomness generation, harmony sharding has been proven secure. The (DRG) can not be predicted, it is not bias, it is also verifiable and scalable. Harmony reshards the network in an irregular or discontinuous arrangement to prevent slow adaptive byzantine competitor.

Fully scalable : Harmony do not only shard the network interaction and transaction validation like zilliqa, it also shards the blockchain state, this is what makes Harmony a scalable blockchain.

Harmony Consensus Mechanism

The factor that cross-checks how secure and fast a blockchain is, is the consensus protocol.
The Consensus Protocols

1. The PoW ( Proof-of-Work): This powers Bitcoin, it is also a process that assigns miners to find a lasting solution to a cryptographic problem, the winner stands to get the right to choose the next block and by doing that gains more token rewards, as well as parallelize transaction processing

2. The PBFT ( Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance): This protocol was researched and found for more than 20years in the academia, in the PBFT protocol one node is elected as the "leader" and the other nodes are the "validators". The consensus round involves two very important phase, the prepare phase and the commit phase.

The Shard Chain and The Beacon Chain

What is a shard chain?

The shard chain processes, validates and stores its own transaction and states. Shard only processes transaction that concerns it. Even though a shard is independent and works on its own it none the less communicates with other shard blockchains via cross-shard interaction.

Cross-shard communication: this is a vital ingredient of whatever sharding- based blockchain. The capability of cross-sharding removes every obstacle in between shard and spreads benefits of a single shard above itself. These are the 3 categories of a cross-shard communication :

Main-chain-driven: The Zilliqa project depends on the main chain to process transaction across shards.
Client driven: Omniledger has proposed a client-driven shard transaction mechanism whereby orders between shard are retrieved and sent to shards by the client.
Shard-driven: there is a proposal from the Rapidchain, that states that messages between shards are to be directly sent by nodes without the help of a third party.

The Beacon Chain

This is a special blockchain that is willing to serve added purposes when put in comparison with the other shard chains. the beacon chain can also be referred to as a shard, so to speak. Aside from processing transactions, beacon chain carries out the following funtions:

Generating random number &
Accepting stakes.
In the Beacon chain is a platform where stakers becomes validators by depositing their tokens.

Meet The Team


Harmony is a sharding platform that is secure, scalable and adresses challenges that the sharding sectors have been facing for a while now, harmony will be using consensus protocols to make sure to serve their users well, in harmony there will be no place for slow or delayed transaction, for they are working their fingers out to make sure to eradicate the era of delays and in-efficiency. Harmony will be making deepsharding easy and much more affordable.

Useful Links

Bitcointalk username: lani123lani
Eth address: 0xaeC6B59a69a13FBea61AC87b27Cc50d8F594F923

Monday, May 6, 2019


Blockchain is making history by shifting power from centralized entities into the hands of the consumers. It has empowered people to manage their own assets without the intervention of any banks, brokers, or institutional monitors. This is a welcome necessity since people risk too much today by allowing their crypto assets to be controlled by a central entity. They don’t realize that it is not them but Wallets, Exchanges, & Lending Platforms that are controlling their assets. Hence, they have given up control of their identity, privacy, and money because they believe that they don’t have a choice. But not anymore. 

We aim to be the access point that provides people with this choice. BtcCredit is an all-in-one decentralized wallet which gives you complete control of your Blockchain asset to Hold, Exchange, Lend, Borrow, Invest, and Stake. This document outlines the design of a Decentralized Next-Gen Banking Ecosystem that is powered by decentralised multi-currency wallet, decentralised p2p lending, and decentralised p2p Exchange capabilitie

Market Analysis of P2P Lending

It is cited, that “According to Morgan Stanley, the market for Global Marketplace Lending may reach $290bn. by 2020, with an expected Compound Annual Growth Rate of 51% from 2014 to 2020.”

The BTC Credit team is trying to showcase the potential of this market, in order to explain that their truly innovative peer-to-peer wallet solution holds great potential. 

Fixing the Lending Market

Today the inflation-adjusted interest rate in different countries varies based on the available liquidity. In high liquidity market, Europe, interest rates are between 0.5-5 %, in Russia 12-15 %, in India 12 % and in Brazil 32 %. This shows a clear inequality in the way access to the lending market is distributed across the world. We believe that this inequality between the borrowers should be flattened and huge market value can be created in the process, especially through opportunities of Arbitrage. Banks charge 5-12% interest on loans and compensate you 0-1% for holding your assets with them. With the rise of crypto-currencies and Blockchain, you can now become your own banking institution. BtcCredit makes this a reality for you. Not just this, you decide whom you want to lend your money to, on which interest rate, and it what mode. All of this is available thanks to Blockchain technology, on which the Wallet of BtcCredit relies on.

Traditional P2P-Lending

Traditional P2P lending is similar to institutional lending, where some measure of credit history and creditworthiness of the borrower is taken into account. The creditworthiness of the borrower decides the type of loan deal he/she is offered. The method to calculate the risk/credit score is managed through proprietary algorithms/artificial intelligence. The differentiation is also maintained through how defaults are handled, and penalties are imposed.

Crypto P2P-Lending

There are some existing Crypto lending platforms which are following different business models. On one end they are a just like a traditional p2p lending platform with the ability to accept cryptocurrencies as collaterals. On the other end, they deploy the entire loan contract on the blockchain and execute events on the loan agreement through smart contracts. 

The blockchain technology, with its fully transparent and incorruptible transaction ledger, forms the ideal system for managing the loan with its parameters like tenure, interest rate, crypto collateral, etc. 

There are many platforms that offer crypto lending:

● Sofin 

● Everex 

● Ethlend 

● Lendoit 

● Btcpop

Competitive Analysis

P2P Lending Platforms can be divided into three main categories: 

1. Traditional P2P - Lending within the same country and in that country’s currency 

2. Cryptocurrency without Smart Contract - Lending globally with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin 

3. Cryptocurrency using Smart Contract - Lending using Blockchain Smart Contract as an intermediate.

Notable Competitors

Lending Club (Traditional P2P) - Lending Club is a US peer-to-peer lending company, headquartered in San Francisco, California. It was the first peer-to-peer lender to register its offerings as securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and to offer loan trading on a secondary market. Lending Club operates an online lending platform that enables borrowers to obtain a loan and investors to purchase notes backed by payments made on them. Lending Club is the world's largest peer-to-peer lending platform.
The company claims that $15.98 billion in loans have originated through its platform up to December 31, 2015. BTCPOP (Cryptocurrency Loan without Smart Contract) - BTCPOP Ltd. was founded in 2014 and has developed into an established peer-to-peer lending site. BTCPOP's peer-to-peer lending is based on reputation and not on credit score. Users can get loans from other members or make money by lending - all by using Bitcoin. The BTCPOP solution doesn’t offer Smart Contracts.

ETHLend (Cryptocurrency Using Smart Contract) - A fully decentralized peer-to-peer lending platform using Smart Contract on Ethereum Blockchain for lending Ether by using tokens as a collateral. But ETHLend does not generate scores, nor does it offer any Compensation Fund to protect lenders. Lately, they have added a section to their WhitePaper about oracles and insurance, but it conflicts with their approach of using tokens as collateral, so the situation is unclear

SALT (Fiat Using Cryptocurrency as Collateral) – Centralized fiat currencies loan platform for loan amounts higher than $5000. It uses the Smart Contract only for depositing cryptocurrency as collateral. Their target market is borrowers with cryptocurrencies who do not want to liquidate their cryptocurrency into fiat currencies. Only accredited investors and qualified financial institutions can become lenders on SALT.

The Lender’s Pride

The Lender’s Pride platform proposes to enable a loan marketplace with some unique features. The system being proposed will form a forum for lenders and borrowers to check loan and loan request offerings including the loan parameters being offered. Based on their own risk perception ability to repay interest, the lenders and borrowers will “handshake” with each other to create a loan agreement on the blockchain.

How Does it Work?

As a lender, a user enters the system and funds his system generated Wallet with USDTs. The system creates a lending profile where his acceptable loan parameters are recorded. The lender's loan profile becomes a part of a “credit marketplace”. As a borrower, the user enters the system with his system generated Bitcoin wallet. The bitcoin funds in the wallet form the collateral against the potential loan. The borrowing requirement also becomes a part of the “credit marketplace”. A system internal logic automatically matches and suggests existing loans and borrowers. A borrower or lender can also manually select from a set of loan offerings or borrower's requirements. 

Once a loan is selected, and both sides agree to the parameters on the book, a “handshake” is said to have taken place, which will result in a deployment of a smart contract on the Ethereum network. The borrower's wallet will be funded with the requested USDT and a schedule for repayment gets created.

The repayment is recorded as the borrower deposits the instalment of USDT back into his WSDT wallet. A set of terms and conditions kick in in case the payment is delayed, is not enough or is more than required instalment.

Defining the BTC Credit Platform Keeping the competitors in mind and analyzing the market conditions and trends, BTC Credit has been able to identify 4 key verticals when it comes to the services offered by its Wallet: 

1. P2P Lending and Borrowing

2. P2P Crypto Exchange 

3. Handpicked ICO Investments 

4. Interests through Staking

All of these services will be offered with the help of a Wallet on the platform. Think of the platform as a Bank and the Wallet as a Bank Account. Analogous to the Banking System today, the user can load the Wallet with fiat or cryptocurrencies and use the funds to avail services in all the 4 verticals mentioned above.

Repayment Conditions

When the Contract is completed or in case of foreclosure the borrower's request for the return of their collateral of BTC deposited they can raise a request for BTC withdrawal and it can be completed. 

Normal repayments - The Admin Pays the Lender instalment regularly and the Borrower pays the Admin Regularly, the system will be notified by the blockchain of the next instalment date of the Borrower.

Instalment Delayed - If the Borrower Missed the date to Pay the instalment the API Interface will notify the Front-end of the Missing instalment of the Borrower. The borrower gets 3 days of grace period to pay the instalment. if the instalment is paid within 3 days no fine will be charged.

Instalment Delayed and Missed - If the Borrower missed the date of instalment he will be given 3 days of a grace period and even he misses to pay the Borrower will be fined for the particular instalment.

Borrower Defaulter - If the Borrower is unable to pay 3 consecutive instalments the system will be notified by the blockchain as the Borrower is Defaulter and the Front end can Confiscate its collateral.

Pre Closure Loan - If the borrower wants to Pre Close the contract he can close the Contract by paying the Principle + 5% Interest and close the contract but he can do only if he has paid 3 consecutive instalments

Extra instalment Payment - Here the instalment Amount is 1010 Every 30 Days, assuming the user deposits 1500 USDT/LTD and he is willing to pay more than the instalment Amount he can do it, but the next monthly instalment amount doesn't change its kind of foreclosure that meant the extra amount will be deducted from the last instalment, so if the amount is greater than the Last instalment then it will consider the Second Last and So on, if the Extra amount is greater than Last 3 instalment he has to either Pre close the entire contract or he can lower the Tenure till 3 instalment. 

IF the user is Doing foreclosure he can pay 5% Interest and Close the Contract by paying the remaining Principle and 5% interest.



Bitcointalk username: lani123lani

Address ETH: 0xaeC6B59a69a13FBea61AC87b27Cc50d8F594F923

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Are you a cryptocurrency enthusiasts or aiming to adopt the innovation, this content is for you and please go over it one after the other for your benefit.
We can't talk of cryptocurrency without talking of an exchange (a marketplace for trading of cryptocurrency). Though there are thousands cryptocurrency exchange in the world today, but there are criteria we consider before choosing a particular exchange we wish to be trading your digital currency. Today, I have found an exchange called OOOBTC that pass all the criteria a good exchange ought to possess and it will be a good things for me to share it.


OOOBTC is a cryptocurrency exchange for trading different kinds of digital assets. OOOBTC is not just like other exchange because it possess all the features a standyand top exchange ought to have and it has been tipped as the most promising exchange for now. OOOBTC exchange was built by an experience team that already studied the challenges facing the most exchange and came up with features that subdue all the challenges.



The OOOBTC exchange take security as a top priority, they have all features to protect users fund and safeguard all the activities on the exchange in order to prevent the scammer, hacker and internet attacker never to achieve their penetration on user's account.


The exchange has enough interface for the users and it is user-friendly. Everyone can make use of the exchange and easily accessible with any type of devices.


This another point you need to look into before choosing an exchange. OOOBTC as a very lower trading and transaction fees. The OOOBTC trading fees is far better than its counterparts; it was designed to charge only 0.15% as transaction fee for both bidders and sellers while that of withdrawal fees is 0.50%; and I must tell you it is the lowest across the globe.


Volubility is very important in an exchange because without volume, traders will be frustrated with price. OOOBTC has a very good volume for different token listed there and it make traders make a reasonable gain of their choice.


OOOBTC exchange has listed many cryptocurrencies pairing bitcoin, ethereum and some many others. Most of the top cryptocurrency on coinmarketcap are listed on this exchange.


Stop searching for exchange to trade your cryptocurrencies, OOOBTC is just the answer. Start making use of the exchange that will gives you all your trading desire and am telling you that there will be joy using this exchange. Only the trading fees alone is enough for you all to adopt the OOOBTC cryptocurrency exchange.

For more information, find more here

Username: lani123lani

Address OBX:  0x8d7662dabb08868f84fd8239b835fadf4d0a9225

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Databloc Protecting the World's Data

Startup Origin in San Francisco is setting up a set of network protocols that allow developers and businesses to create decentralized marketplaces on Blockchain, with a focus on shared economies (sharing economy).

The Origin network protocol is a set of open source Blockchain structures for buyers and sellers in services such as Car-sharing (minute or hour rental) or Home-sharing (The feature of sharing photos, videos and music without sync) for trading on the open web is decentralized.
Applications of this protocol will directly store transaction data such as validity and pricing on Blockchain.

Origin recently released the Origin Protocol Demo DApp test, directly on Ethereum Network. They also announced that some companies have committed to developing additional applications on Origin floor.

“Our mission for Origin is to establish protocols that allow electronic markets to be governed by regulations instead of aggregating heads. We want to eliminate rent-seeking intermediaries, maximize personal freedom, reduce censorship and redistribute value to network participants, ”John Fraser, co-founder of Origin, spoke in a conversation with Bitcoin Magazine: “Partners are relying on Origin because they realize they can reach the market sooner and we can share the brand network application by co-operation. ”

Fix the problem of Centralized Marketplace

Uber and Airbnb, popular electronic markets for ride-sharing and home-sharing, often seen as people Play top in the booming sharing economy. Another noteworthy term is "People as a service," which describes the business forms of these two companies, where the attraction from the funding has priced both. The company is in the tens of billions of dollars.
Consumers are aware of Uber and Airbnb faster, cheaper, and better than comparable services to traditional services like taxis and hotels, which are transmitted through sophisticated applications that are easy to use. Although consumers are impressed with the purchase of direct applications from individual vendors in the decentralized model, peer network (P2P network), Uber and Airbnb are centralized, delivery systems. Translation between individual consumers and suppliers is guided through infrastructure, Hub networks and software belong to companies that own the exchange.

The centralized model makes Uber and Airbnb sensitive to control activities and it is likely that both services will be suppressed by the government at any time. Meanwhile, in addition to paying fees, owners of platforms that are fully in control of the network and individual providers are being condemned for exploitative behavior.

"Take Uber and Airbnb as a prime example," Fraser said. “Both companies are strictly controlled or even banned in cities around the world. The two companies have also banned some individuals permanently from operating in their markets.

Uber and Airbnb services lack Uber and Airbnb companies

According to figures provided by Origin, Uber, Airbnb and other centralized shared markets, it is expected to earn $ 40 billion per year from trading platform fees from now until 2022, and the platform The shared economy is generally expected to reach US $ 335 billion by 2025. Some sharing services are centralized 30% of the fee for organizing these transactions.
Origin wants to remove these intermediaries with new standards based on Blockchain technology.

Origin trading platform "allows people to freely trade on Blockchain technology in decentralized markets without having to go to an intermediary to search for benefits," said Coleman Maher, who recently joined Origin as You are in charge of long-term relations. "We aim to eliminate excessive transaction fees, reduce censorship and redistribute value to the community."
“We are envisioning a large set of virtual use cases (such as vacation rentals, freelance software engineers, rental tutors) that are considered Origin's leading standards and shared data. , ”Excerpted from the Origin product summary. Origin's applications will have user sharing features, creating a "shared network effect" that benefits all application providers and consumers.

DataBloc The First Enterprise-Grade Sharing Economy for Data Storage and Services

The creators present DataBloc, the main undertaking grade sharing economy for information stockpiling and administrations. The DataBloc stage is a web stage that flawlessly and safely interfaces specialist organizations and undertaking clients.

The DataBloc programming, otherwise called StoneFusion, will be a ninth era authorization based blockchain arrangement created by StoneFly, a settled
information administrations organization situated in Silicon Valley. The product underpins different information administrations and capacity types, and offers endeavor quality information streamlining, accessibility, availability, security, and insurance.

Specialist co-ops download StoneFusion and rundown their accessible administrations on the DataBloc web stage. Endeavor and open clients enter their capacity

necessities and which information administrations they require. Clients at that point select obliging suppliers from a curated rundown and buy benefits specifically on the web stage. DataBloc is the main arrangement where venture quality administration suppliers can download a product that enables them to sell abundance information stockpiling also, benefits over the web, without client procurement costs—all inside a secure blockchain system.

The measure of usable information is developing exponentially close by headways in Man-made consciousness, Social Networks, Machine Learning, and the Internet of Things. Shockingly, under half of all information stockpiling limit is being utilized. Brought together information specialist co-ops have wasteful organizations models and need security. Completely decentralized models improve security, however since anybody can act as a specialist co-op, clients need straightforwardness about who is holding their information, making critical selection contact. Be that as it may, a permissioned blockchain offers a legitimate center ground arrangement where clients profit by the security of the blockchain while keeping up straightforwardness about who is holding their information.

The present rendition of StoneFusion is being changed to a permissioned blockchain arrangement. Brilliant contracts on the Ethereum blockchain will oversee all exchanges on the DataBloc stage. Stone (ticker: STONE) is the utility token

used to purchase and sell benefits on the DataBloc stage. Eminence Bloc (ticker: RBC) is the security token that acquires a continuous eminence on the income created by the DataBloc stage. Both STONE and RBC are ERC-20 convention tokens and have a fixed supply. To raise development capital and disseminate the tokens, DataBloc is selling STONE in a private deal pursued by an open deal. After the STONE open deal, RBC will be sold in the first historically speaking Royalty Token Offering.

Stone Token Sale

Token Distribution

To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:

Author: lani123lani
Eth: 0xaeC6B59a69a13FBea61AC87b27Cc50d8F594F923

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Product Protocol is a opensource protocol for crowdfunding/crowdlending campaigns based on digital assets issuing, integration with all business processes, funds management and financial operations.

Product Protocol is focused on creating a platform that allows an entrepreneur to tokenize their assets and raise funds for scaling
Companies on Product Protocol can scale further than ever before. A universal token for the tokenization of any assets allows you to instantly create a digital asset and a decentralized market will enable people from all over the world to purchase it.
The Product Protocol can also develop effectively without any limitations. A universal token created on a platform that serves to give any asset token, allows you to make any asset quickly and easily. Thus, a decentralized market will enable people from all over the world to get it. In short, the Product Protocol is a fast, unique and intelligent tokenisation machine.
These revolutionary ideas have gained interest in the cryptocurrency section of the internet because of their simplicity and logic. Dozens of startups determined to implement this concept have received hundreds of millions of dollars in funding. The whole world will soon be given tokens: cars, homes, and even your neighbor’s cats. However, all this looks great only on paper.

Basically, tokenization is a way to create digital money tokens that are added to something from the current reality. It tends to be anything, from gold and land to maintaining money administration and monetary instruments. There is no doubt that the blockchain can provide more prominent candor in relationships between individuals and if something becomes a token, at that time all the financial relationships associated with this item will end up more difficult and more reliable.

Blockchain and cryptographic forms of money are quite new advances, which are opening up new markets. With its own form of digital money and the enthusiasm of the standard for those who are growing fast lately, this innovation is offered to many new companies, increasing assets through ICO or through increasingly common business choices. Most businesses are identified with the tokenization.



Curated Token Registration is a decentralized curated list with intrinsic economic incentives for token holders to curate the list.


Allows users to register their identity, send and request credential data, sign transactions, and securely manage keys and personal data

Smart Escrow

The service network is decentralized, and provides legal and legal compliance based on current regulatory standards


Providing liquidity to digital assets at



Research projects and analysis systems for decisions about the next tokenization


Free market where users can trade virtual assets



30% – marketing and first tokenised products

35% – development and PP coin fund

10% – legal, salary, lawyers

10% – technology support

15% – team


65 000 000 PPO – ICO

15 000 000 PPO – team and associates

15 000 000 PPO – platform support

5 000 000 PPO – marketing and advisors


For More Information Click Link Bellow:

Username: ivanarifiant

Eth's address: 0xF6505afA3dA59e702dBD00A1dE54be8B656ADCf2