Friday, March 5, 2021

Help Coins (HCS)


#HCS #Blockchain #cryptocurrency and #BNB

HCS is The World’s First Crypto for Charitable giving based on BSC, is developing to take charity, to the next degree for all.

What is Help Coins

With HCS extraordinary, modern blockchain technology, the sector of donations will revel in a significant transformation regarding security and speed of delivery. Taking part in the HCS ICO will provide you with the opportunity to be a part of this innovative blockchain-based decentralized undertaking in addition to receiving the benefit of earnings from the preliminary supplying.

The Path to Protocol

Our ability to facilitate change in the fundraising market will largely depend on the amount of capital raised during our token sale. At minimum, HCS will be building an application on top of the Binance Smart chain Blockchain by issuing its own BEP20 Token. This alone is intended to create value for our early investors and solve many problems facing the fundraising market today. However, HCS designed not only to take charity, to the next level but also help individuals who took part in our ICO increase and multiply their investment.

Mission, Vision and Help projects

Help Cains’s mission and vision is to create a new global standard for the fundraising industry by creating the first global and decentralized donation marketplace. A market that provides organizations with a new and better method to raise funds by utilizing innovations in blockchain technology. A method that is cheaper, faster and more transparent than the current model all while rewarding people and organizations for participating in the process.

Help Coins Projects

HCS team will supervise All projects and post every Success on twitter

All Help coins projects not from tokens the users have it will be from 15% of token Allocation

  • Pre-sales: Mar 05, 2021 - Mar 20, 2021
  • Public sales: Apr 01, 2021 - Apr 20, 2021
  • Pre-sale token supply: 5,000,000 HCS
  • Token supply: 100,000,000 HCS
  • Soft cap: 50,000 USD
  • Hard cap: 700,000 USD
  • Registration country: United Arab Emirates
  • Registration year: 2020
Token info
  • Ticker: HCS
  • Type: Cryptocurrency
  • Token price in USD: 1 HCS = 0.15 FSN
  • Accepted currencies: BNB
Token distribution:
  • 51% - Distributed to Community
  • 15% - Help Coins project
  • 15% - Founders and Team
  • 10% - Pre-Sale
  • 5% - private Sale
  • 2% - Stake , AirDrops and Bounty
  • 1% - Binance Charity
  • 1% - Binance LaunchPool

Water wells

Making Water wells in poor villages in Africa

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Send a donation to poor hospitals around the world


Send a donation to the Homeless Organizations


Financial support for poor students and schools

Recovery from DRUG ABUSE

Donate to organizations only

Animal Charity

Donate to animal charity Organization to protect poor animals

Donate to Binance Charity

Send 100,000 HCS every month to Binance Charity for 10 months


June 2020

Idea Development , Extensive Research and Analysis

December 2020

Website development , Social media accounts for our token

January 2021

WhitePaper v1.0 we create the first version of whitepaper

February 2021

Smart contract Development on Binance Smart Chain Network

February 2021

Starting Stake and AirDrops program

March 2021

Starting Private Sale

April 2021

Starting Pre-sale

April 2021

Starting the first Help project in Africa WaterWell after the Pre sale

May 2021

20 % from funds raised will add liquidity for the pool And the first listing will be pancakeswap. A HCS/BNB trading pair will be added there two weeks from the date of the public sale. The listing price of HCS will be double the price of the Pre sale.

May 2021

Send 100000 HCS to Binance Charity for ten months till send 1 Million HCS to Binance charity

June 2021

Listing on centralized cryptocurrency exchange(CEX),Decentralized exchanges (DEX) and Starting Help projects

December 2021

20 % from funds raised will add liquidity for the pool And the first listing will be pancakeSwap. A HCS/BUSD trading pair .

February 2022

Create the new Help coins HCSE for ERC20 Network and HCST for TRC20 Network

March 2023

Launching Help Coins APP for Android and IOS

More Information:

Bitcointalk Username: ivanarifiant
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=979945
ETH Address: 0xF6505afA3dA59e702dBD00A1dE54be8B656ADCf2

Monday, February 15, 2021

Обзор проекта UnitedCrowd

Как правило, под инвестициями понимается инвестирование активов или средств, осуществленное предприятием или физическим лицом на определенный период времени с целью получения большей прибыли в будущем. В этой деятельности задействовано много вещей, и некоторые из них - это объем средств и цель самой инвестиции.

UnitedCrowd, платформа для привлечения инвестиций в новые проекты, поможет вам понять эту сложную проблему. Здесь вы найдете широкие возможности для роста вашего проекта и привлечения начальных инвестиций для дальнейшего развития.

UnitedCrowd является официальной платформой, зарегистрированной в Германии, так что вам не нужно беспокоиться о трате времени впустую, используя сервис, и здесь вы получите максимальную безопасность при совершении сделок. UnitedCrowd работает только с квалифицированными и надежными инвесторами и поможет вам найти нужных инвесторов, по сути, беря на себя всю работу по финансированию вашего проекта.

На платформе UnitedCrowd вы также можете круглосуточно контролировать процесс сбора средств для вашего проекта. Очень удобный и интуитивно понятный интерфейс программного приложения сможет поддержать неопытных пользователей. Дизайн не доставит вам хлопот, так как он очень доступен.

а также индивидуальная компоновка означает, что вам помогут разработать макет интерфейса в соответствии с вашими параметрами и потребностями. UnitedCrowd уже работает в блочной сети и поэтому принципиально защищает ваши данные. Все материалы, связанные с вашим проектом, будут доступны для просмотра потенциальным инвесторам через платформу.

Почему UnitedCrowd интересен?

  • Launchpad
Команда предлагает своим клиентам и их специалистам в области денежного обращения уникальный теоретический Back-end.
  • Framework
Мы работаем по немецкому законодательству, чтобы предложить Вам и Вашим специалистам по денежным вопросам лучшую безопасность.
  • Tokensale Plattform
Получите введение в нашу ассоциацию от внешних теоретиков и обученных специалистов.
  • Инвестиционное комьюнити
Получить прогресс и ответственность от сообщества UnitedCrowd.

Финансирование посредством UnitedCrowd занимается современными финансовыми вопросами, например, денежными средствами компании. Наши ставки токенирования служат слиянием существующих вещей, связанных с деньгами, например, ценных бумаг, приключений и т.д., так же как и реальные активы и новые модели финансирования.

Каковы потенциальные преимущества токенирования с UnitedCrowd?

Токенирование имеет несколько основных направлений, которые мы покажем Вам ниже:
  • Дробная собственностb
  • Повиновение
  • Сокращение расходов и отдельные центры
  • Пиринговая передача
  • Быстрое планирование
  • Программируемость
  • Денежные новинки
Благодаря оцифровке и моторизации, токенирование UnitedCrowd внутри и снаружи ускоряет выдачу, продажу и продажу цен. В то же время, это отвлекает внимание от основной неординарной работы для наших клиентов.

UnitedCrowd предлагает программируемые токены. Высокоуровневое отображение характеристик, созданных для наших клиентов, будет иметь возможность быть оснащенным различными ограничениями робота, которые в последнее время должны быть сделаны правильно. Например, значения, начинающиеся с одной составляющей, обычно могут переходить к следующей, если выполняются определенные условия, не требуя при этом никакой работы.

Токены могут передаваться в блок-цепочку без средней модели и для всех намерений и целей динамически. Покупатели и продавцы могут быстро и четко торговать вместе без делегирования, например, посредники, дистрибьюторы, общие бухгалтеры и т.д. Оба игрока экономят время, но и расходы на отдельные центры. Кроме того, ассоциации обеспечивают важные возможности, так как они могут четко организовать свои предложения для целевых рынков.

Существуют различные типы токенов
Asset Token

Такие жидкости, как неликвидные характеристики, могут быть организованы как токены активов. Диапазон объединяет в себе все - от наличных средств, земли, основных металлов или ремесленных объектов до гипотетических активов, например, лицензий или авторских прав.

Debt Token

Токеном "Обязательство" обрабатываются требования об обязательствах по уплате всех взносов с процентами или без них. Этот диапазон сочетает в себе виды защиты, продвижения по службе и защиты.

Владение акциями и правом голоса в форме токенов может быть преодолено с помощью токенов. Используя правила сравнения, токены могут аналогичным образом обрабатывать, например, внутреннюю часть ресурса.

Utility Tokens

Токен-адрес полезен с точки зрения реализации прав и может предложить введение в ассоциацию, продукт или организацию.


Итак, я думаю, что проект UnitedCrowd идеально подходит как для вас, так и для крупных инвесторов. Проект UnitedCrowd продолжается, кроме того, что он зарегистрирован в Германии, что делает все сделки максимально безопасными. Команда разработчиков UnitedCrowd состоит только из высококвалифицированных специалистов и экспертов в своих областях, все они публичны, прозрачны и доступны в социальных сетях, чтобы узнать больше информации о прошлом команды, разработчиков в социальной медиа-группе проекта UnitedCrowd.
Если вы разрабатываете уникальный продукт в Интернете и пытаетесь найти инвесторов, то UnitedCrowd идеально подходит для вас.

UnitedCrowd, зарегистрированный в Германии, делает все сделки максимально безопасными, команда разработчиков UnitedCrowd состоит только из высококвалифицированных специалистов и мастеров своего дела, все они публичны и доступны в социальных сетях (с составом команды можно ознакомиться, перейдя на официальный сайт).

Подробнее о платформе UnitedCrowd можно узнать на официальном сайте. Также, чтобы не пропустить новости и обновления в проекте, подпишитесь на проект в социальных сетях и задайте вопросы команде разработчиков в официальной телеграм-группе.




tuturor ce mai faci Dacă sunteți interesat să vă alăturați proiectului, DIFX-ul dvs. ar trebui să citească informații care vă vor ajuta să găsiți informații care vă pot ajuta să vă vedeți viziunea și misiunea.

DIFX este primul ecosistem cuprinzător cu avantajul unic de a găzdui verticale majore de tranzacționare într-o singură ofertă unificată. Acesta își propune să creeze un model de lucru sigur și un hibrid al unui schimb centralizat și descentralizat care combină schimburile atomice.


Misiunea DIFX este de a crea un model de lucru sigur și hibrid al unui schimb centralizat și descentralizat care combină schimburile atomice cu puterea tehnologiei Blockchain.


Vrem să creăm o nouă ordine financiară, în care moneda digitală este utilizată pentru decontarea directă între plătitor și destinatar. Platforma noastră va ajuta milioane de persoane nebancare să utilizeze moneda digitală datorită simplității sale de utilizare.

Vom folosi tehnologia blockchain pentru a face accesibil serviciile de transfer de bani și pentru a adăuga valoare clienților noștri pentru utilizarea profitabilă a activelor digitale.
Vom reduce timpul de livrare și vom oferi eficiență atunci când schimbăm împreună cu înregistrări de contabilitate imuabile și rețele de tranzacții de înaltă securitate.


Blockchain este clasat printre primele 5 tehnologii apărute în 2019 de Forumul Economic Mondial și se presupune că va deține 10% din produsul intern brut (PIB) mondial până în 2025.

Având în vedere acest lucru, DIFX a fost creat ca o platformă de schimb de criptomonede bazată pe blockchain, care va aduce schimbări semnificative și de durată în tranzacționarea produselor financiare. După aceea, creați prima rețea de tranzacționare bazată pe blockchain, care va conecta persoane fizice, brokeri majori, companii și, de asemenea, va rezolva problemele de plată din lumea reală, oferind soluții de plată simple, eficiente, sigure și tranzacționare transfrontalieră.



DIFX este prima platformă adevărată de tranzacționare a activelor încrucișate bazată pe blockchain. Acest ecosistem cuprinzător unic redefinește peisajul global de tranzacționare online. Ecosistemul DIFX oferă trei dimensiuni: SCHIMB, SERVICIU PORTOALĂ ȘI ACTIVE DE TRADING.


Iată variantele care pot fi tranzacționate în diferite clase de active conținute în platforma descentralizată creată de DIFX:
Crypto la Crypto
Crypto la Forex
Cripto pentru mărfuri
Crypto to Stock CFD-uri
Crypto to Index


Schimbul nostru de criptomonede are un mecanism unic de pariere pe jetoane și o interfață de utilizare puternică;
Suport IEO
Taxe reduse de tranzacționare
Bonusuri și reduceri pentru deținătorii DIFX
Platforma de finanțare a mulțimii


Primul schimb de active încrucișate de către DIFX va aduce schimbări semnificative și de durată în tranzacționarea produselor financiare. Toate produsele și serviciile DIFX pot fi achiziționate cu jetoane DIFX. Metodologia contemporană de marketing pentru produs / serviciu / criptomonedă se realizează prin intermediul suporturilor digitale.


Funcționalitate tehnică portofel multi-valută DIFX;
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin și mulți alții
Sistemul generează automat statistici generale
Soldurile contului sunt afișate în dolari SUA, euro sau yuani


Ecosistemul DIFX oferă o soluție all-in-one pentru ecosistemul valutar digital
Creat pentru tranzacționare, investiții și pariuri

Jetoane DIFX:

Jetonul DIFX este un jeton de utilitate creat pe blockchain-ul ERC20 Ethereum. Jetoanele utilitare sunt jetoane care sunt menite să ofere acces digital la aplicații sau servicii printr-o infrastructură bazată pe blockchain. DIFX permite transferuri instantanee oferind în același timp anumite valori și reduceri utilizatorilor DIFX.


Simbol: DIFX
Aprovizionare totală: 550 de milioane de jetoane
Soft Cap: 13,2 milioane USD
Cap dur: 50,94 milioane USD
Opțiuni de plată acceptabile: BTC, ETH, USDT



6%: investiții în cercetare și dezvoltare: 5% dezvoltarea afacerii
4%: Fuziuni și achiziție
12%: Dezvoltarea produsului
3%: Platfrom / Upgrade-uri
6%: Funcționare
3%: Echipa
2%: Legal și conformitate
4%: Marketing
5%: Rezervă
50%: lichiditate


1%: Recompensă
2%: consultativ
7%: Airdrops, Referrais Înregistrare cont nou
3%: Echipa de bază
35%: Vânzare privată
12%: vânzare publică
40%: fondatori și afiliați


2019 - Q2
Începutul schimbului hibrid
Căutare pentru crearea DIFX

2020 - Q2
Începe dezvoltarea software-ului DIFX Exchane
Începeți dezvoltarea pe blockchain-ul privat
Începutul vânzării private a jetoanelor DIFX de vânzare

2020 - T3
Vânzare privată continuă a jetonului DIFX
Achiziționarea licenței de schimb și portofel

2020 - Q4
Achiziționarea licenței de dealeri de valori mobiliare
Lansarea DIFX Exchange IEO Platfrom
Lansarea jetonului DIFX pe Exchange IEO Platfrom

2021 - Q1
Lansarea DIFX Cross Asset Exchange
Lansarea Cross Pairs între G7 Fiat, Cryptocurrency și mărfuri
Lansarea tranzacționării acțiunilor futures, indici și ETF-uri pentru piețele europene și americane
Lansarea aplicației DIFX pe aplicația IOS și Android

2021 - Q2
Lansarea OTC Platfrom împreună cu Serviciul Custodian
Soluția White Label oferită de Exchange integrată cu criptomonedă, Forex și mărfuri
Eliberarea cardului de debit DIFX
Lansarea jetoanelor DIFX tranzacționate pe alte CEX și DEX

2021 - Q3
Oferirea API pentru toate produsele Exchange
Începând legături cu FII (investitori instituționali străini), bănci și mari corporații
Lansarea spectacolelor de schimb DIFX în țările din Asia și Africa
Lansarea consilierului DIFX Blockchain

2021 - Q4
Lansarea schimbului descentralizat DIFX
Investiții Blockchaim Start-Ups
Lansarea Centrului de dezvoltare Blockchain


Ecosistemul DIFX este în curs de dezvoltare și poate fi supus unor modificări și corecții semnificative în ceea ce privește funcționarea tehnică până la finalizarea completă a dezvoltării platformei. Eficacitatea dezvoltării ecosistemului DIFX depinde în mare măsură de numărul de jetoane DIFX vândute. Rezultatele slabe ale vânzării de jetoane pot duce la o lipsă a bazei de resurse necesare pentru dezvoltarea completă a ecosistemului. În cazul în care echipa proiectului nu colectează suma necesară pentru dezvoltarea produsului (soft cap), toate fondurile colectate vor fi returnate investitorilor, minus comisionul pentru o astfel de tranzacție.

Site-ul web:

Autor: ivanarifiant
ETH: 0xF6505afA3dA59e702dBD00A1dE54be8B656ADCf2

Thursday, December 3, 2020

The next evolution DeFi exchange on Binance Smart Chain


In this article I we wіll talk about a digital platform that renders the services like farming, governance, insurance, credit, exchange, self-banking and the likes. The platform is called Global Finance. It operates a decentralized finance system thаt has plans of creating a services that will earn investors more profits , аnd іt іѕ trying to actualize this dream by designing compliance іn the heart of іts architecture to eliminate regulatory risks thtt are currently takіng place and those whіch mіght occur іn the future.

Recently, there are countless decentralized finance platforms оut there but what makes global finance unique among them іs the various distinctive and trustworthy services available in the ecosystem and ensures safety іn thе entire Global Finance marketplace. Global finance is a digital decentralised finance platform that exploits thе positive features оf blockchain technology. Hence іt requires a utility token to harness іts system of operation fully. GFI Token іѕ the utility token that the platform has adopted. Thіѕ article reveals thе essential details оf the GLOBAL FINANCE PROJECT.

Global Finance project іs focusing more on venturing іnto all forms of digital assets exchange, staking, governance, swapping, liquidity pool, insurance of assets and lot more. Thіѕ way,investors and provider of liquidity wіll be able to be included іn the crypto space and earn massively because of thіs diversification. Global Finance project іѕ gоіng tо bе thе ideal platform whеrе еvеrуоnе who possess a GFI token іѕ gіvеn аn avenue tо stake, contribute to the governance of the community аnd thеrе іѕ absolutely nо reason nоt tо venture іntо thе crypto space now. Thе goal of this project is to bring a conducive environment and an easy to use interface for users to be able to stake GFI token, exchange assets, swap from one assets to another, and also giving provider of liquidity to add liquidity.

GFI token serves а lot оf functions іn thе GLOBAL FINANCE platform.GFI саn bе uѕеd аѕ аn staking instruments іn Global Financeplatform. Users саn invest massively оn GFI token fоr passive income . GFI token аrе uѕеd аѕ wеll tо pay fоr contributing to the governance of the community, exchange fees ѕоmе оthеr transactions.

For investors that will like to buy the GFI token, the pre-sale with go has follows:

1st Round 10,000 GFI

Price : 1 GFI= 0.25 BNB

2nd Round 15,000 GFI

Price : 1 GFI = 0.33 BNB

Listing Price : 1 GFI = 0.5 BNB

Exchange list as soon as the presale ends

Join Presale and Earn Huge Profits.....

More details about presale whitelist :


1.) Staking pool:
Holders of GFI that stake their token will earn close to 7.2% profits weekly.

2.) Global Exchange:
The project is a decentralized finance project on the smartchain binance and it is powered by the community.

3.) Global swap:
Users will be allowed to swap assets on the platform with ease and transactions are always swift.

4.) Global insurance:
Assets of investors will be insured so has to be prevented from every instability in the crytocurrency space.

5.) Global Governance:
The governance of the community will be based on what the users want, there is no dictator but GFI token holders will be allowed to contribute to the Governance matter of the community.

6.) The platform is easy to operate, 
Users of any level can perform actions on the platform, it is not complex, it is easy to use.

7.) Efficient customer support:
Thе users аrе thе top priority оf Global Finance project , іt hаѕ аn efficient support system, put іn place to provide a 24 hours help to іts users. They help to answer the user’s questions and help them know how to properly use the system.

8.) Fast Transactions:
Users can now mаkе unlimited transactions, and transactions on the platform doesn’t take time, it is fast and easy to perform.

In conclusion, the global finance platform іѕ еxасtlу whаt іѕ needed аt thіѕ point іn time, tо bring efficiency іntо thе decentralized finance system. Users саn stake GFI token, swap and exchange digital assets easily, whіlе аlѕо enjoying thе various benefits incured bу thе system. I bеlіеvе that, оnсе adopted, the platform will break grounds and boost global financial system аnd thе digital market at large.

Useful links:
Official Website:

Bitcointalk Username: Nyonygmy

ETH wallet: 0x269327ae1b712bfd6C3C5C604e926304A1244f85




CRYPTO EMPORIUM : Crypto Emporium Is The Itley based Project. here we have the One of the best Crypto Currency online Store. Recently we discover this project, and it's gonna popularised in bitcoin talk. It's gonna more popular and people's beliefs in it that Their Store gonna get success in near future. In the crypto market people finding The legitimate Project To Invest for More Profit. Crypto Emporium Is The Store That Had Huge Potential and Everyone Needs To consider Potential. And We Can Say That Project Gonna Go #Tothemoon🌙 for sure.

| To The Moon |

• Here We Are Considering the Potential Of The Project. And also we Will Discuss about Is It Had Potential or Does Project Survive In The Market ? So Here I'm gonna Discuss And Gives Opinion and Suggestions to The People.

• in my Opinion Yes ! The project is Legimate And It's Had The Trustworthy Team's That Work Hard To makes Batter Future Of A Project and Team deserve Those team That Currently Working Hard For betterment. And I'm considering Those Thing's as Quality every Project Needs The better Team.

• The best Quality that Project Had Their Own E-commerce Concept. It's Really Great To see Those project Are entering In the Market. And that's why i feels Like The Project Gonna booming In the Market For Sure.

• Now day's We need The project Who Contrubute Their participation in CryptoMarket. And it's Feels happy to Be Here To be A Part Of the Project.

• Crypto Emporium : had a Vision which Is Based on Santoshi Nakamoto who found The bitcoin as Use for Transaction and that's The vision CryptoEmporium Has and create a truly decentralized, Peer-to-Peer Online Marketplace For people.

• As we Knew The fastest-growing sector cryptocurrency space allows companies to create decentralized financial instruments separate from traditional centralized institution.


Thanks for reading this article and using your precious time on here. For they are trying to build something great and unique. We saw dozens of projects without any single usability and we witness their extincion. And on the other hand "CRYPTO EMPORIUM" team have a solid idea and they almost finalized their products and services. So in my opinion there isn’t any reason for "CRYPTO EMPORIUM" to be successful. and i Appreciate this Unique Idea for Their "CRYPTO EMPORIUM E-COMMERCE" To be A Better Perform in Near future For sure Good Wishes For them.

More information:

Bitcointalk User : NYONYGMY

ETH: 0x269327ae1b712bfd6C3C5C604e926304A1244f85

Saturday, May 9, 2020

IBlockGame - The Best Blockchain Games Platform

What is The IBlock Game

IBlock Games (IBG) is focused on turning into the world's top blockchain game stage. 

IBG utilizes blockchain innovation to give a lot of fascinating, novel, and multi coins internet game and theater setup for blockchain lovers and cryptographic money players. 

IBG solidly accepts that the estimation of the stage is made by clients, so it will give back the benefits of the stage to speculators and players to fabricate the thriving and improvement of the IBG people group.

IBlock Game Ecosystem

The IBlock Game (IBG) stage is made out of the game turn of events, player network, multi-chain, and multi coins. At that point, driven by wagering and prize, it can produce benefits and profits, this game same look like other crypto games, for example, lucky games, bitsler, because player get rewards with spinwheel and put betting.

Games List

1. BlackJack 

Blackjack, otherwise called Twenty-One, is a looking at the game between scarcely any players and the vendor. In-game every player has managed two cards toward the start and thusly contending with the seller with their last score no greater than 21.

2. Hash Dice 

Hash Dice is a likelihood game built up by blockchain hash esteem computation and calculation, gives increasingly fun wager and forecast, in which the closer the number moved by players to the arbitrary number, the higher the likelihood winning. 

3. Boom 

Boom is an online multiplayer blockchain speculating game that made as an expanding bend that may crash whenever. 

4. Crypto Slots 

Crypto Slot is a 5 by 3 video gambling machine with 10 pay lines. 
The game incorporates 3 diverse wild images to substitute every other image, and 2 of these have multipliers of x2 and x3. 

The wild images land on reels 2, 3, and 4 in particular, however consistently grow to the full reel and grant a solitary RE-SPIN. Up to 3 RE-SPINS can be acquired in progression when every one of the 3 reels gets a growing wild on sequential twists! Multipliers in re-turns join up to 9x multiplier!

5. Roulette 

The standards of roulette are very direct. In this game, you have a wheel that highlights red and dark openings that have the numbers from 1 to 36 and 0 on them. The number on the wheel is divided into red and dark, and the numbers are not all together.

6. Poker 

Poker includes 52 cards in a deck. When you get a triumphant hand, you get an incredible prize.

7. Wheel 

There is a senseless red animal with wings and weird highlights. The peculiar red flying creature is roosted on the wheel, and your assignment is to make him discombobulated by turning it all around. 

8. G-Viru 

This will be the first blockchain infection game far and wide. 

The Game inspiration from COVID19. 

The expectation we can win the war in the virtual world.

IBlock Game Allocation
Token Details

IBG Token is issued by iBlock Games platform.

Project:iBlock Games


Token Type:ERC20

Total Issue:10,000,000,000


Author by:

Username => NYONYGMY
Bitcointalk Profile =>;u=2750675
ETH => 0x269327ae1b712bfd6C3C5C604e926304A1244f85

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Ahead of the Revolution in BlockBurn Cryptocurrency

Hello everyone, on this occasion I am NYONYGMY, will discuss this great project. In this increasingly sophisticated technological era, of course you all think you want to invest your money in a long-term investment, but you are still confused and hesitant to look for it, because there have been so many unclear projects in the past. , for now you don't need to worry because I want to provide the right solution for your investment in a new cryptocurrency called BlockBurn. So for those of you who are curious about BlockBurn, let's look at the article I made below to find out what benefits they will provide for you in the future.


The BlockBurn gaming network is a revolutionary step forward in both cryptocurrency and the mobile app gaming industry, allowing users across the globe to plug in and play against real players for BURN tokens. Players have the opportunity to develop their skills in order to earn more BURN tokens, increase their chances of winning the lottery jackpot and bringing more value to the token ecosystem.

Current Gaming App Market

The overall global gaming market, was estimated to be worth around $135 billion in 2018. The largest sector of this massive figure is attributed to mobile gaming, estimated at around $63 billion, taking an impressive 47% share.

Mobile is also beginning to dominate gambling, with 70% of gambling transactions now being done online.

While mobile gaming and gambling are booming industries, mobile cryptocurrency gambling is scarce.

BlockBurn is creating a new and innovation form of mobile gaming and gambling, playing for cryptocurrency in a fun and engaging way.

BlockBurn Gaming Network

The BlockBurn game network is an innovative arena for gamers and gamblers. The platform economy will run on BURN tokens, allowing users to risk their BURN tokens in a fun multi-player action shooter battle game arena. Users can also buy regular BlockBurn lotteries to get a chance to win the jackpot!

Ourmission is to provide a very smooth and memorable gaming experience, where gambling is not the only important element. The games focus on very entertaining and interesting gameplay, with stunning graphics, smooth animations, satisfying sound effects, and intuitive navigation. Players can customize the appearance of their characters, as well as buy character upgrades using the BURN token.

The game network implements a number of functions that will incentivize and encourage players to hold and use more BURN tokens, produce a more complete playing experience for users and contribute to the overall value of the BURN tokens.

Shop System

To reward and incentivise players for holding their BURN tokens, we’ve devised a system to use these BURN as a spendable currency while also a store of value.

Players will be able spend their BURN tokens in character customizations, these tokens will then be held in a separate wallet, but not sold! Eventually the players will be able to “sell” their
character item back to the game to get their spent tokens back. This way, “buying” character items becomes an investment of BURN, not an actual sale.

To aid this idea, players will be able to choose the time period in which a players tokens are held in the locked wallet before being able to sell the tokens back to the game. So if you were to buy a particular item, you will be given the choice of how long the tokens will be locked away for.

A week, a month, a year, you name it. Only after this time has ended, will they be able to return the purchased item in exchange for receiving their BURN tokens back. Longer periods will be cheaper to “lock”, giving players more reason to invest in these items as long as they can, but with the eventuality of receiving their tokens back.

For example: if you “buy” a weapon, you either pay 5 BURN tokens for a week-lock, 4 for a month-lock, and 1 for a year-lock. After said time, you’ll get the option to sell your weapon back in turn for the 5/4/1 BURN that you spent in the first place.

Gaming Token

The BURN token is used as a gambling token within the BlockBurn gaming network. It is set to disrupt the online gambling industry by creating a decentralised gaming network, with the BURN token as it’s currency. It will be at the forefront of a new era of online gaming,
one that is the nexus between gamers and cryptocurrency holders.

In order for players to participate in multiplayer matches, they must deposit BURN tokens into the wallet address of their gaming app. The funds can be used as wagers in multiplayer matches/tournaments. The winner of each match will win the collected pool of BURN tokens.

In order to support and generate supplementary value to the BURN token, holding more BURN gives you access to bonus features. Upgrades such as special weapons and character styles
can be purchased with BURN, players are also able to unlock special characters with BURN.

These are some of the ways in which players are encouraged to continue holding their BURN tokens in their account after a big win. Increasing the overall function of BURN within the gaming network will result in less players selling their BURN tokens after a win, but rather putting them back into the game.


We will be raising funds through an IEO for the purpose of furthering development and project expansion.

Please note that the funds raised are non for profit and will be allocated as follows:

Product development=> 50%
Marketing=> 20%
Exchanges=> 10%
Token buy back (and/or token burning)=> 20%

BlockBurn Coin Details

Token Name=> BlockBurn
Symbol=> BURN
Token Type=> ERC 20
Token Supply=> 2,000,000,000
Hard Cap=> $ 1.2 Million (USD)
Price of 1 BURN=> $ 0.005
ROUND1=>0.005 + 15% bonus
ROUND2=>0.005 + 10% bonus

Token Distribution

The token distribution is layed out as follows:

Community=> 45% (Community tokens are comprised as; free traded ‘swap tokens’, airdrops,bounties and future community events tokens)
Reserve: 15% (Future staking,future Airdrop/Bounty)
IEO=> 15%
Marketing=> 10%
Team=> 10%
Advisors=> 5%


The mobile game industry is a competitive industry, with so broad global interest in gaming and gambling, for new games to be successful, there are a number of important factors that must be met.

With so many mobile games available, finding the right niche is very important. The BlockBurn gaming network is in a very unique position, because it basically enters a completely new market, with currently almost no competition. But that in itself does not guarantee success, so that the game becomes successful there are several important factors. It needs its own identity, intuitive user experience, and good marketing.

We are currently in the game development stage. The general description in section 4.1 of this whitepaper will give you an outline of the direction we are currently going, but this is only a rough guide and as the development reaches further the game will be further refined and modified.

Below provides a basic outline of the road map we will follow in the following year:

For more information about the BlockBurn project see the link below:

Author by:

Username => NYONYGMY

ETH Wallet Address => 0x269327ae1b712bfd6C3C5C604e926304A1244f85